Monthly Archives: September 2013

Why is it called Napi’s Dance?

My friend asked this question. “Why is your book titled Napi’s Dance?”

“It’s from the story,” I said, “when Buffalo and Wolf saw the great changes coming.”

Here is the place…

“Napi has another story in mind now,” said Buffalo.

Wolf looked over to Buffalo.”We are all in Napi’s dance, old friend. We move and act out the parts given us. When Old Man says, ‘No more,” we howl and bellow our lament, we struggle to extend our time of glory as long as we can, for that is the way given us to carry out our part. But when Napi sweeps his great hand to remove this bit of play, our story will go, the way a child builds a camp of mud in the sand by the river and sweeps it away in one playful gesture. Yes, this part in its beauty is nearly done.

“Yet we never know what story Napi builds next, do we Wolf?”

Napi’s Dance

Greetings – As the author of Napi’s Dance I welcome you to this blog site.   Napi’s Dance is published by Second Story Press and tells the story of the land that is now mainly southern Alberta.  It was the time when the world of the indigenous people who belonged to that land experienced the great disruption of the trader and settler migrations. Two women, one of the Blood (or Kanai) people and one of British heritage, are brought together in circumstances larger than their individual lives.  

Maybe it’s always that way – what appears as ordinary events are larger than we recognize.

From time to time I’ll write about the events and background to the story; and about the story to come. Hope you enjoy the posts.